Monday, July 30, 2007

Reek Sunday and Croagh Patrick

Caught up with Tommy and got a key (yay!) Got a lot of work done on the mural clouds. Should be finished with the sky on Tuesday. Also did some more work on Croagh Patrick. Seems kind of fitting to do work on the Holy Mountain on Reek Sunday.

'Reek Sunday' is the last Sunday in July and on that day over 25,000 pilgrims visit the Reek. People come from all over the world, including pilgrims, historians, archaeologists and nature lovers. The tradition of pilgrimage to this holy mountain stretches back over 5,000 years from the Stone Age to the present day without interruption. The first stop on the pilgrimage is Saint Patrick's statue erected in 1928 by Reverend Father Patterson with money he collected in America towards the rebuilding of Saint Mary's Church in Westport.

It was on the summit of the Croagh Patrick that Saint Patrick fasted for forty days in 441 AD.
The Black Bell of St. Patrick was a highly venerated relic on Croagh Patrick and the oldest reference to it dates back to 1098 A.D. Tradition has it that the bell was originally made of white metal, but became black from constant pelting at the demons who came after Patrick on the Reek.

The Holy Mountain

Clouds - left half

Clouds -right half

Flooring is here

Wall lamp

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